Coconut Comms - Travel, SaaS, Holiday Rentals, Marketing Consultancy Otago

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How to double your Pinterest audience in three weeks

Coconut PR recently took on a client’s pre-existing Pinterest page and did just that. All it took was an SEO-minded approach, a sideways look at the audience, and short, regular stints of activity.

We started out with 2.8k monthly views. Three weeks later we were hitting 6k and rising… Our monthly engaged users have risen to 116 from 69. Small steps to making a big difference.

Our client has a multi-pronged offering - a photogenic historic hotel, conference venue, and wedding venue on the periphery of the Cotswolds. The food is exceptional, with Afternoon Teas and flexible corporate menus a core business. The interiors are a chic blend of ‘old meets new’. And the gardens are magnificent, with stone statues, manicured lawns, and acres to explore.

We wanted to encapsulate all that, without diluting the message or confusing any audience. With Pinterest, that’s easy once you realise the core difference between it and other social media platforms.

6 steps to grow your Pinterest audience

  1. Pinners follow boards, not names or businesses. It’s a genuinely useful and targeted sharing of information. With this is mind, we tweaked the strategy from posting just about ourselves, and moved to posting ⅓ home-grown content, and ⅔ other people’s content.

  2. We renamed the boards to be blatantly obvious, using the search tool to predict what terms others are typing in to reach the content. That means, for example, ‘Wedding cake ideas’ over ‘Wondrous delicacies’.

  3. We made sure all new images and the Pinterest account were linked to the client’s website. Going through their entire site, pinning all the images direct was an exercise worth the time spent.

  4. Pinterest is generous with its caption allowance, so our captions are packed with human friendly keywords, which are relevant to the audience as well as the venue.

  5. Re-pinning already popular content helps drive people to your boards. So, staying on brand and on message, we set about finding awesome pins to re-share.

  6. We did it all in 10 enjoyable minutes a day. Little and often works the algorithm better than one long head-banging stint!

Whether you would benefit from some tailored social media consultancy to improve your Pinterest offering, or you’d like us to do it for you, let’s talk.

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